Thursday 14 March 2013

Homework 14/03/13

- Read Singapore budget 
- print out the documents that are in soft copy, buy a divider and bring file if you have not done so
   > Articles (Minimum 3 & it must look used eg highlighted, annotated)
   > Notes
   > Essay Assignment 
   > Comprehension Assignment
   > Test & Exam
- Comprehension passage a-c
- Singapore Budget 3 Part 3.
- (Segregate your point, explanation, evidence and link) Write your peel based on (BY THURS NIGHT UPLOAD ONTO BLOG)
    > Socio-cultural - privacy issues
    > Political - spreading of political messages (propaganda?)
    > Technological - ease of use and convenience
- peel worksheet
- mindmap

- HCL  File with corrections done and content page filled in
- write out the first line of every paragraph of the passage and think about it
- read 头版新闻 并想想关于:原因,后果,建议

- reflect on your results, send Mrs Sin your reflections by TOMORROW ( types of mistakes, marks lost or what type of mistakes, what would you do in the future) and show your parents your scripts 
- post up the practice answers 
- for those who need to hand up your file, file in everything including the contents page (sent to your SST email) and do your corrections
 - start doing your assignment

- worksheet on covalent ions
- form groups for the performance task
- Files By tomorrow 

- practical worksheet if you have not finished - file with dividers and practical file if you have not handed up

- update your diet tracker diary
- holiday homework will be given tomorrow
- worksheet

Social studies
- Finish activities 3 and 4.
- Please ensure that you have done and filed everything inside your green file. Do include a content page too.

- Print out contents page and slides and file by tomorrow  
- reflections in facebook group ASAP- form groups and start on your safety booklet


-  the forms that can be downloaded at the blog
- coaches please fill in the coaching sheet BEFORE EVERY MATCH

Anything else please put them in the comments.

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